Welcome to this section of St. Nicholas Hospital’s website. Here you will find details/information about the services we provide across our facilities including details of our consultants. St. Nicholas Hospital specialises in the OPD General Practice, O&G, Renal treatment, Paediatrics, Antenatal care. It has excellent clinical and support staff dedicated to ensuring our patients receive the best quality care.
The Accident and Emergency Unit of the St Nicholas Hospital assesses and treats people with serious injuries, sudden severe illness or a medical emergency. It is open 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
An air conditioned out-patient treatment room is provided. It is equipped with modern operating table, anaesthetic apparatus. Also equipped with Intensive Therapy Unit for resuscitation of emergency cases, particularly for babies, accident cases.
We are able to promptly respond to emergencies in:
- Orthopaedics and Trauma
- General Surgery
- Urological Emergencies
- Neurosurgical Emergencies
- ENT and Ophthalmology
- Obstetrics and Gynaecological
- Paediatrics
- Medical Emergencies
Our Team
Our Emergency Care Team provides high-quality and compassionate care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our dedicated team of professionals consisting of Medical Officers, Residents, Consultants, Nurses and other Paramedical staff provide specialised emergency treatment, giving patients the best chance of recovery.
No matter the reason for your visit to the Emergency, be it a broken bone, eye injury or a heart attack, our certified and specially trained physicians and nurses are committed to providing you the highest level of emergency care in a safe environment.
Our Patient Focused Care
All acute specialty treatments are available on-site. We are also able to carry out life-saving Laboratory and Radiological investigations promptly to support our emergency team to manage emergencies promptly, efficiently and appropriately in comfortable surroundings for patients. The Unit is also supported by a fleet of well-equipped ambulances for safe evacuation of emergency cases when necessary.
Who Should Go To A&E?
Patients with a critical or life-threatening situation in all age groups from babies to the elderly.
Examples include:
1. Unconsciousness
2. Heavy blood loss
3. Suspected broken bones
4. Deep wounds, such as stab wounds
5. Suspected heart attack
6. Difficulty in breathing
What If It’s Not An Emergency?
Patients with less serious injuries or symptoms should consider all available alternatives before coming to the Accident and Emergency Department. Advice is available from your local Pharmacist or our Clinics which offer treatment for many problems.
If you suddenly develop some health challenge while working in the office that requires moving to health facility, there is need to call an ambulance. It could also be in the house and not just for the road accidents.
There are a lot of more health issues that require emergency response
We have a protocol of where the patients are taken to, so that the patient is not compelled to be taken to the hospital that owned the ambulance.
St. Nicholas Hospital Ambulances are well equipped to handle most emergency cases and to stabilize the patient.
St. Nicholas Hospital Ambulance service is available 24/7.
For emergency, please call +234 809 820 9820
We recognise that pregnancy and birth are really important times for women and their families and we offer a complete range of maternity care. From midwife-led care for women with straightforward pregnancies to specialist care for women who have problems and medical conditions that necessitate close attention.
We aim to provide a safe and supportive environment for pregnancy and birth for you, your baby and your family. Whether your pregnancy is straightforward or more complicated, at all times we strive to provide excellent maternity care that meets your individual needs.
We have a comprehensive Antenatal care package which is individualised and focused to satisfy the wishes of our clients.
It is a highly interactive session that has enhanced our clients’ child bearing experience for years with expecting mothers and their partners gaining relevant information from experienced midwives on their pregnancy, childbirth and post-natal care.
What We Are Known For
- Providing the highest standard of care for pregnant women, children and their families.
- Individualised care tailored to your needs.
- Offering health education classes for expectant parents to help them prepare for their new arrival. Health education prepares you for labour, birth and the early days of being a parent, and what we teach may give you more details to make informed choices.
- Follow up visits to our clients ensures their well-being and demonstrate to us that mother and baby are doing well.
Nutrition is as old as man. Hippocrates (5th Century BC), the father of Medicine wrote “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food”. Dietitians provide dietetic counselling and nutritional intervention to prevent risk of diet related diseases and promote health through healthy eating habits as part of medical treatment.
Nutrition and dietetics plays an integral role in ensuring prophylactic and therapeutic care for clients while following the principle of nutritional management. We provide a comprehensive dietetic service to both in-patients and out-patients. The service exists to improve the health of the individual patient by appropriate nutrition intervention.
Our Core Responsibilities
Dieticians will evaluate and monitor dietetic intervention to help ensure a positive effect on patient’s nutritional status, aid the recovery process, control symptoms and improve wellbeing.
Goals or care plans for nutritional or dietetic treatment will be realistic and agreed with the patient, or their carers. These includes:
- Individualized diet plan for patients
- Outpatient clinics and inpatient management
- Dietetics services and care for dialyzing patients
- Translation of prescribed diet to regular meals
- Nutritional assessment of clients/ patients
- Transcribing local available foods to appropriate diet therapy
Our Team
The Dietetics Unit comprises of qualified and experienced dieticians who practice with a great deal of expertise. Our dieticians work co-operatively with other members of the multidisciplinary team to integrate the patient’s nutritional treatment into their over-all care.
Our Facilities
- A conducive medical nutrition outpatient clinic
- A well equipped kitchen for meal preparation
- Weight consultancy clinic
- A specialized renal outpatient clinic
- A well designed diet guide for specific therapeutic management
Clinic Days
- Mondays: Morning clinic (9am – 12 noon)
- Thursdays: Afternoon clinic (3pm – 6pm)
Telephone: 08023280756
The Dialysis Unit of St. Nicholas Hospital is dedicated to improving health outcomes for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Dialysis is a medical procedure in which the functions of a kidney to remove metabolic waste and excess water from the body are taking over by a machine. This may be done temporarily (days or weeks) or it may be carried out over a long time (years).
With 15,000 new cases of kidney failure occurring every year in Nigeria and statistics showing a further 30 million Nigerians suffering from kidney disease, it is apparent that the provision of dialysis is a critical service to our clients.
We have the busiest privately owned dialysis unit in Lagos which we operate to international standards.
Our Objectives
The primary goal is to ensure a safe procedure with the best possible therapeutic outcome. By combining the latest technology, convenient scheduling, and a compassionate staff, the Dialysis Unit of St. Nicholas Hospital strives to provide its patients with the highest quality of dialysis care.
Our Team
We are staffed by a team of doctors, specialist nephrology nurses with extensive experience in all aspects of renal nursing, renal technicians and nutritionists. Our highly-skilled staff work together to provide the best care possible and we emphasize compassion, comfort, and communication to ensure patients have all they need for the best possible experience.
Our Facility
We have 10-bed dialysis unit which is comfortable and spacious with all the equipment needed for dialysis. In addition, we have a separate dialysis unit in ICU for critically ill patients.
Operating Hours
Dialysis services are provided 6 days of the week at 57, Campbell Street, Lagos Island.
- Monday – Friday: 7am to 8pm
- Saturday: 7am to 3pm
However, we do offer 24-hour on call service for emergencies and weekends. We also run a home service for clients that wish to dialyze at home and with their equipment.
Request an Appointment
- 234-1-7641420
- 2348035251295
- 2348022908484
Email addresses:
Colonoscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to look at the inner lining of your large intestine (rectum and colon). He or she uses a thin, flexible tube called a colonoscopy to look at the colon. A colonoscopy helps find ulcers colon polyps, and areas of inflammation or bleeding. During a colonoscopy, tissue samples can be collected and abnormal growths can be taken out. Colonoscopy can also be used as a screening test to check for cancer or precancerous growths in the colon or rectum
The colonoscopy is a thin, flexible tube that ranges from 48 in. (125 cm) to 72 in. (183 cm) long. A small video camera is attached to it, so that your doctor can take pictures or video of the large intestine (colon). The colonoscope can be used to look at the whole colon and the lower part of the small intestine. A test called sigmoiddoscopy shows only the rectum and the lower part of the colon.
Before this test, you will need to clean out your colon. Colon preparation takes 1 to 2 days, depending on which type of preparation your doctor recommends. Some preps may be taken the evening before the test. For many people, the bowel prep may be uncomfortable, and you may feel hungry on the clear liquid diet. Plan to stay home during your prep time since you will need to use the bathroom often. The colon preparation may causes loose, frequent stools and diarrhea so that your colon will be empty for the test. If you need to drink a special solution as part of your prep, be sure to have clear fruit juices or soft drinks
Colonoscopy is one of many tests that may be used to screen colon cancer. Other tests include sigmoidoscopy, stool tests, and computed tomographic colonography. Which screening test you choose depends on your risk, your preference, and your doctor. Talk to your doctor about what puts you at risk and what test is best for you
Is a procedure where a thin, flexible tube called an endoscope is used to look inside the oesophagus), stomach and first part of the small intestine (duodenum). It’s also sometimes referred to as an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. The endoscope has a light and a camera
If you’re referred for a gastroscopy, you’ll be told whether you need to stop taking any of your medications.
You may need to stop taking any prescribed medicines for indigestion for up to two weeks before the procedure. This is because the medication can mask some of the problems gastroscopy could find.
If you’re taking any of the following medications, you should phone the endoscopy unit before your appointment, because special arrangements may need to be made:
- Any medication used to treat diabetes
- Any blood-thinning medication
It’s important that your stomach is empty during a gastroscopy, so the whole area can be seen clearly.
You’ll usually be asked not to eat anything for six to eight hours before the procedure, and to stop drinking two to three hours before the procedure.
We have 2 senior medical officers at St Nicholas hospital, who are highly trained and have a great deal of experience.They assist in the running of the general out-patient clinic.The clinic runs 24-hours a day.They have their own consulting rooms and handle all medical problems.The medical officers are supported by a consultant general practitioner and a team of specialist consultants.
The medical officers are competent in dealing with:
- General health issues
- Health screening
- Family medicine
- Emergencies
- Vaccination/immunisation advice
- Diabetic screening and monitoring
- Blood pressure monitoring and treatment advice
- Minor medical/surgical problems
Intensive Care Unit
Also known as Critical Care Unit (CCU), it provides intensive care treatment to patients with severe and life threatening illness and injuries that require close monitoring and support. Our team consisting perioperative and anaesthetic nurses as well as our intensivist are in charge of the specialised care required for patients in the ICU.
St. Nicholas Hospital ICU has a higher staff-to-patient ratio and access to advanced medical resources, which results in good patient outcome.
St. Nicholas Hospital ICU caters to specific medical specialties, such as those listed below:
- Paediatrics intensive care: Paediatrics patients are treated in this intensive care unit for life-threatening medical problems such as asthma, diabetic, or traumatic brain injury. Congenital heart disease are cared for Paediatrics cardiac intensive care units, where patients with congenital heart disease are cared for.
- Coronary care: Also known as Cardiac Intensive Care or Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit (this caters to patients specifically with life-threatening acute conditions such as cardiac arrest.
- Neurological intensive care: Patients here are treated for an eurysms, brain tumors, stroke, snake bites and post-surgical patients who have undergone various neurological surgeries and require hourly neurological exams.
- Post anaesthesia care: Also known as the post-operative recovery unit, or recovery room, provides immediate post-op observation and stabilization of patients following procedures.
Patients are usually held in such facilities for a limited amount of time, and must recover fully before transfer back to a ward, if the patient is unstable, they are normally transferred to a high dependency unit or post-operative critical care unit for closer observation. If a patient requires close observation, treatment and nursing care that cannot be provided on a general ward, we transfer to high dependency unit.
- Surgical Intensive Care: An inpatient surgical service catering for critically ill patient.
Nephrology is a specialty of medicine that concerns itself with the study of kidney functions, and the treatment of kidney problems including renal replacement therapy (dialysis and kidney transplantation). The Nephrology Unit aims to provide comprehensive, high quality, multidisciplinary, compassionate care in a friendly and supportive environment for people with kidney diseases and other conditions that affect or arise from the kidneys.
Our Services
The Department provides a full range of renal treatments for patients with kidney disease. This includes clinics for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), patients with a kidney transplant and patients nearing kidney failure, using our on-site haemodialysis unit. Kidney disease often coexists with other medical conditions such as heart disease, vascular disease and diabetes, and our team works closely with specialists from other disciplines to ensure that our patients receive the care that is appropriate to their individual health needs.
The treatment and specialist services we provide includes:
1. Dialysis
- A dedicated outpatient facility and support for home and community dialysis
- Haemodialysis available in our hospital and people on holiday/visting can also access this service
2. Acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease care
3. Anaemia management
4. Conservative kidney management
5. General and specialist outpatient clinics for people with:
- Advanced kidney disease
- Diabetes and renal disease
6. Pre-kidney transplant service supported by counsellors and dietitians, to help prepare patients for transplant.
7. Kidney transplants and post kidney transplantation follow up (recipient and donor).
The first kidney transplant in West African sub-region was done at St. Nicholas Hospital, Lagos Nigeria on the in 6th March 2000.
With a dedicated renal transplant team we are able to give our patients with end stage renal failure, a better quality of life.
Our Staff
The renal unit is staffed with a team of experts (doctors, renal nurses, clinical nurse specialists, pharmacists, technicians and dieticians) led by a Consultant Nephrologist, Dr Ebun Bamgboye.
The St. Nicholas Hospital promise to you
We are passionate about putting the patient first, and aim to offer a consultant- delivered service. Each of the satellite units served by our renal unit has an on-site nephrologist presence at least twice a week, offering clinic and ward referral services.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Obstetrics and Gynaecology (often abbreviated to OB/GYN, OBG, O&G or Obs & Gynae) is the medical specialty that deals with the care of female reproductive organs’ health and the management of pregnancy.
At St. Nicholas Hospital, we provide compassionate and knowledgeable health care to women through the varying stages of life
Our team consists of experenced medical personel, led by consultants Obstetrician and Gynaecologist.
1. Maternity Services: We provide general obstetrical care for both normal and high-risk pregnancies. We provide care before, during and after childbirth. Our services include pre-conception counseling & screening and obstetrical consultative services.
2. Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM): The MFM service offers outpatient consultation, ultrasound, genetic counseling and management of medical problems during pregnancy.
3. Gynaecological Services: We provide a broad range of basic and specialized medical and surgical services, ranging from primary gynecologic health care which includes diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the female reproductive system, to treating malignancies of the female genital tract.
Hours of Operation
We provide: 24 hour Emergency response
The St. Nicholas Oncology Clinic is a specialty adult oncology and haematology clinic which commenced operations in October, 2014.
What We Do
We provide a comprehensive medical (non-surgical) service for patients with different types of cancers and complex blood diseases in adults. Patients receive comprehensive care, including state-of-the-art diagnostic services, a full complement of chemotherapy protocols with the use of systemic therapies such as cytotoxic chemotherapy, hormonal therapies and immunotherapy.
How We Can Serve You
Our service includes consultation service, outpatient clinic service and inpatient service.
- New patient’s consultations: Tuesdays and Thursdays only
- Administration of chemotherapy: Tuesdays and Thursdays only
- Routine visits: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
New patients may however be seen on other days of the week by special arrangement if an urgent appointment is necessary.
All inpatient oncology and haematology admissions are done at St. Nicholas Hospital, 57 Campbell Street, Lagos under the care of the Oncology team listed above.
The St. Nicholas Promise to You
Getting a diagnosis of cancer could be the most terrifying thing you might have to face but you can trust us to be there for you with the right information, advice, close monitoring and support in a personal, knowledgeable and friendly environment.
The Laboratory Services of St. Nicholas Hospital provides accurate and timely results which contributes immensely to the care of our patients. Laboratory investigations are essential for almost every patient who comes into contact with hospitals and an increasing number of patients receiving treatment in the community. In fact, more than three quarters of all medical diagnoses rely on laboratory investigations.
Most tests carried out by laboratory scientists are done on blood, urine or other fluid or tissue samples. Within these are some routine tests that are performed in very large numbers and others which are rare and complex.
What We Do
We are full-service computerized, accredited laboratory with experienced personnel and state-of-the-art equipment offering a broad menu of diagnostic testing, serving all inpatient and out-patient populations.
We run a wide range of investigations. Our services include:-
- Clinical Chemistry
- Medical Microbiology
- Haematology/ BGS
- Immunoassay which includes tumour markers, fertility testing.
- Pre and Post kidney testing for transplantation.
- Drug monitoring for post-transplant patients.
Our Service
Laboratory testing is performed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Laboratory is staffed by experienced medical laboratory scientists using the latest in instrumentation.
Our analytical systems are fully automated and designed to ensure patient safety, accuracy, and rapid turn-around times.
Our Promise
Since 70% of all healthcare decisions are based on laboratory results, it is crucial to have confidence in the lab that provides these results. We are committed to providing a superior clinical laboratory service that enhances your clinical care by our medical staff.
Neurosurgeons at St. Nicholas Hospital are on the lead in treating neurological conditions in Nigeria using the latest techniques in neurosurgery, such as minimally invasive surgery. Neurologists and neurosurgeons provide expert and person care for every patient. Read and learn on how the hospital can provide exactly the care you need.
Long history of pioneering medical care with the state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment facilities. St. Nicholas Hospital is constantly seeking new knowledge to improve diagnosis, therapies for many people with different brain and nervous system disorders.
Neurosurgeons at St. Nicholas Hospital are part of a dedicated, multidisciplinary team of doctors and health care professionals who provide personalized and comprehensive care for each patient.
Doctors in St. Nicholas Hospital collaborate with experts in many specialties to provide you with comprehensive care. These experts include physicians trained in brain and nervous system conditions, musculoskeletal cases, brain tumor and nervous system, ear nose and throat. Endocrine gland and treating cancer with chemotherapy as expert Pain and physical medicine.
Our focus
Having all this expertise in one place, focused on you, make you feel that you are not alone and you are not getting one opinion.
Your test results are available quickly and appointments are scheduled in coordination. The most highly specialized experts are all working together for you. What might take weeks or even months to accomplish elsewhere can typically be done in a matter of days at St. Nicholas Hospital.
Top ranked. St Nicholas Hospital in neurology and neurosurgery is one of the best Hospitals rankings in Lagos, Nigeria.
Neurosurgical care is also provided to children in St. Nicholas Hospital.
Nursing is a critical factor in determining the quality of care in hospitals and the nature of patient outcomes. Twenty-four hour nursing care is one of the distinctive hallmarks of inpatient care in hospitals and Nursing personnel comprise the largest proportion of patient care givers in a hospital.
The Nurses at St. Nicholas Hospital are compassionate and skilled caregivers dedicated to providing for the physical and emotional needs of our patients and families in an environment that supports professional excellence.
Our Nursing Services:
- 1. Intensive Care Unit (ICU): The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at St. Nicholas Hospital provides a high standard of care 24 hours per day, utilizing state-of-the-art technology and nursing skill. It is a 6-bed facility, staffed with nurses who have special training to provide compassionate care using their skills and advanced equipment.
- 2. Medical Care: This is provided on several wards throughout the hospital and includes disorders involving the respiratory, cardiovascular, renal-urinary, neurologic, endocrine, gastrointestinal, hematologic, and/or musculoskeletal system. Emphasis is placed on patient care as well as safe and effective pain management.
- 3. Paediatric Care: This is provided to children from infancy, including immunization/vaccination though adolescence that present with an acute illness or injury. Parents are encouraged to participate in the ongoing care of their child.
- 4. OB/GYN and Delivery Care: This includes Ante-natal care, patients who have had a vaginal or Caesarean Section delivery, and pregnancy related medical problems or gynaecological surgical procedures.
- 5. Surgical Services: The Surgical Services Department provides preoperative nursing care to patients of all ages on a scheduled basis Monday through Friday and on an emergency basis. The surgical patient population includes patients requiring general surgery, urology, ENT, and orthopaedic procedures.
- 6. Others: Include general nursing, ambulance nursing care etc.
Nursing values human life and in St. Nicholas Hospital, we maintain our patient’s dignity, privacy, confidentiality and rights at all times.We practice primary care nursing which is more individualized.
Our nursing work force covers all categories of nursing speciality (accident and emergency, Paediatrics, renal, peri operative) to ensure our clients/patients get the best and quality nursing care which Saint Nicholas hospital is known for.
To add to the above we are the first private hospital to be involved in kidney transplantation.Whether developing care plans guided by patient’s needs and preferences, educating patients and their families at discharge, doing their best to facilitate continuity of care for patients across settings and among providers, RNs make coordinated care possible.
Orthopaedic surgeons deal with traumatic injuries to the bones and joints and diseases of the skeleton. At St. Nicholas Hospital, we provide both comprehensive elective (planned) and emergency services.
The Team
Our team consists of Medical Officers, Residents and two visiting Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeons with vast expertise in emergency responses and procedures. They are supported by a team of experienced Nurses and paramedical staff
1. Accident and Emergency
- We are able to respond promptly to emergencies in across various specialties which includes orthopaedics and trauma, general surgery, urology, neurosurgery, ENT, ophthalmology, obstetrics and gynecological, paediatrics and medicine. Emergency procedures are carried out promptly at any hour of the day, when necessary.
- In addition, we are able to carry out life-saving laboratory and radiological investigations to support our medical staff to manage emergencies efficiently and appropriately. We are supported by a fleet of well-equipped ambulances for safe evacuation of emergency cases when necessary.
2. Surgical
The Unit offers the following services:
- Emergency and elective orthopaedic surgical procedures including internal fixations with intramedullary nails and plate and screws Image-guided surgeries.
- Knee and hip total joint replacements
- Paediatric orthopaedic surgeries
- External Fixations
- Hand and industrial accidents surgeries
This service provides consultation and treatment for all general orthopaedic ailments. It is also where all follow-ups for all surgeries done in the hospital are attended to.
Hours of Operation
- 24 hour Emergency response especially in Trauma cases.
- Two Orthopaedic/ Trauma Clinics per week:
- Monday at 2 pm
- Thursday at 4.15 pm
Individualized and Comprehensive Care
In addition to our orthopaedic trauma experts, our team collaborates with specialists from our other clinical departments to ensure that patients receive outstanding treatment for all their conditions. We aim to provide patient focused care for the whole individual.
Our Paediatric Services at St Nicholas Hospital are based around family-centred care and include comprehensive general Paediatric and sub-speciality medical and surgical services, both at inpatient and outpatient levels.
About Our Services
We provide a wide range of services and facilities for children and young people from birth to 17 years of age with acute and chronic health needs, as well as information and support for their parents.
Service | Days | Time | Location |
General Outpatient Paediatric Consultation | Daily | 9am and 4pm | Campbell, Victoria Island Maryland Offices |
Emergency Paediatric Consultation: | Every day | 24 hours | Campbell Office. |
In-Patient Paediatric Services | Every day | 24 hours | Campbell Office. |
Consultant Outpatient Paediatric Consultation | Week days | 2pm and 4pm or at other times on request. | Campbell Office. |
Specialist Paediatric Consultation: Cardiology, Paediatric Surgery and Orthopaedics. | By appointment | By appointment | Campbell Office |
Inpatient Paediatric Services
This provides General Paediatric and Specialist services which includes:
- 1. Special Care Newborn services Unit equipped with Incubators, Photo-therapy and Piped oxygen.
2. Paediatric Surgery
3. Orthopaedics
The Team
The Service is led by Paediatricians. There are two Consultant Paediatrician supported by Doctors in Postgraduate Training, Medical Officers and House Officers. Our Nursing staff have specialised training in Paediatric Nursing.
The Paediatric Service is accredited by the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria to train House Officers to attain full registration to practice in Nigeria. The Paediatric Service is also accredited by the Faculty of Family Practice/General Practice of the West African and National Postgraduate Medical Colleges to provide Postgraduate Training in Paediatrics.
Our Promise
We endeavor to provide the best healthcare for your child whether as an outpatient or inpatient. If admitted to the inpatient ward we will ensure the child’s stay is as short and as anxiety-free as possible.
The Pharmacy Department oversees medication procurement, storage, dispensing, and utilization throughout St Nicholas Hospital. Pharmacy staff play an important role in providing drug information to both health care professionals and patients.
Our Staff
The department has 9 Pharmacists, 4 Interns and a Pharmacy assistant who work together to assure patients receive the highest quality pharmaceutical care possible.
Hours of Operation
The Pharmacy may be consulted about medication-related issues 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The In Patient unit of the department provides clinical pharmacy services to all patients in the wards by reviewing medicine charts, monitoring drug therapy and ensuring prompt supply of medications. We assist and work together with health care professionals in the hospital to ensure positive clinical outcomes of all drug therapies.
The Out Patient unit is responsible for dispensing medications and fulfilling prescriptions daily for new and follow-up patients in our various clinics as well as walk in clients.
Our Core Activities
The department carries out the following activities:
- Procurement, storage and dispensing of drugs
- Counselling of patients on drug use.
- Provision of information on drug related issues to patients and other health workers.
- Training of student pharmacists on industrial attachment and internship.
- Arrangement and presentation of seminars and clinical discussions on patient drug therapy and management and other drug related issues.
- Monitoring of adverse drug reactions
The Radiology Department offers a comprehensive range of imaging tests in support of the clinical practices of the hospital. These highly sophisticated imaging services provide our doctors and patients with the most accurate, timely and informative results.
What We Do
St. Nicholas Hospitals Radiology Department offers diagnostic and interventional radiology services that include:
- Digital radiography (general radiography)
- Fluoroscopy-guided special studies in HSG, IVU, Barium investigations
- 4D ultrasonography
- Colour Doppler
- General CT investigation –whole body CT
- CT angiography
- CT colonography and bronchoscopy
- CT and ultrasound-guided biopsies
- Theatre radiography
Our Team
We have a highly integrated team consisting of radiologists, radiographers, sonographers, nurses and support staff to provide the best patient outcomes.
Hours of Service
- Monday – Friday: 8am – 8pm
- Saturday: 9am – 1pm
Why Choose Us?
1. Individualized care and specialty expertise: We provide individualized care for each patient to obtain the highest quality images and ensure the most accurate diagnoses.
2. Safety: as some imaging studies require the use of radiation, we always ensure that safety measures are maintained and kept to the highest possible industry standards for you and our medical staff.
3. Reliability: we accurately provide the service you require ensuring all parameters are met to deliver the highest quality.
4. Responsiveness: we are willing and able to help clients promptly. This includes being able to fit in appointments, doing the required imaging on time and sending the films and report soon after the tests.
5. Assurance: you will be comfortable and confident with the service you receive while being comforted that we have your best interests at heart.
Our Promise to You
We continually strive to improve our patient services and ensure that all imaging studies are conducted in a welcoming environment that focuses on quality and patient comfort.
St. Nicholas Hospital offers thoracic and vascular services which can be diagnostic and/or therapeutic.
We provide elective (planned surgery) for treating conditions of the lungs, mediastinum and chest wall and we also treat acute (urgent) cases such as empyema and chest trauma.
We have highly trained and exceptionally skilled thoracic/vascular surgeons who deliver dedicated and comprehensive specialty care for patients having thoracic and vascular surgery.
Our range of services include:
1. Vascular surgery includes creation of acute and chronic dialysis access. We do
- Radio cephalic and Brachiocephalic AV fistulae
- Basilic Vein transposition AV fistula for dialysis access.
- Tunneled dialysis lines for dialysis and chemo port insertion for chemotherapy.
2. Open vascular bypass surgeries for Occlusive diseases and Vascular trauma.
3. Thoracic Surgical services which include
- Bronchoscopy
- Trauma
- Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS)
- Open Lung Oesophageal and Mediastinal Resections
According to the UK government, you must be tested for tuberculosis (TB) if you are coming to the UK for more than 6 months and are a resident of Nigeria or the Republic of Bénin.
There are no approved clinics in the Republic of Bénin, so if you’re from there, you’ll need to travel to Nigeria to be tested. St. Nicholas Hospital is one of the approved screening centers in Lagos, Nigeria.
The appointment schedule is 10am-3pm from Monday to Friday. Click on this link to make an appointment
The fee is ₦100,000 for Adults (11years & above) and ₦50,000 for Children (10years & below)
Certificates will be available after 24hrs of the screening (weekdays only)
Kindly come along with your international passport
Also call 08035251295 to confirm your appointment