

Nursing is a critical factor in determining the quality of care in hospitals and the nature of patient outcomes. Twenty-four-hour nursing care is one of the distinctive hallmarks of inpatient care in hospitals and Nursing personnel comprise the largest proportion of patient caregivers in a hospital.

The Nurses at St. Nicholas Hospital are compassionate and skilled caregivers dedicated to providing for the physical and emotional needs of our patients and families in an environment that supports professional excellence.

We are the first and only private hospital to date that has been accredited by the Nigerian Nursing & Midwifery Council to train BNSc graduates.

Our Nursing Services:

  • 1.  Intensive Care Unit (ICU): The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at St. Nicholas Hospital provides a high standard of care 24 hours per day. It is a 6-bed facility, staffed with nurses who have special training to provide compassionate care using their skills and advanced equipment.
  • 2.  Medical Care: This is provided on several wards throughout the hospital and includes disorders involving the respiratory, cardiovascular, renal-urinary, neurologic, endocrine, gastrointestinal, hematologic, and/or musculoskeletal system. Emphasis is placed on patient care as well as safe and effective pain management.
  • 3.  Paediatric Care: This is provided to children from infancy, including immunization/vaccination through adolescence, and to children who present with an acute illness or injury. Parents are encouraged to participate in the ongoing care of their children.
  • 4.  OB/GYN and Delivery Care: This includes Ante-natal care, patients who have had a vaginal or Caesarean Section delivery, and pregnancy-related medical problems or gynaecological surgical procedures.
  • 5.  Surgical Services: The Surgical Services Department provides preoperative nursing care to patients of all ages on a scheduled basis Monday through Friday and on an emergency basis. The surgical patient population includes patients requiring general surgery, urology, ENT, and orthopaedic procedures.
  • 6.  Others: Include general nursing, ambulance nursing care, etc.

Nursing values human life and in St. Nicholas Hospital, we maintain our patient’s dignity, privacy, confidentiality and rights at all times. We practice primary care nursing which is more individualized.

Our nursing workforce covers all categories of nursing specialty (Accident & Emergency, Paediatrics, renal, perioperative) to ensure our clients/patients get the best and quality nursing care which St. Nicholas hospital is known for.

To add to the above we are the first private hospital to be involved in kidney transplantation. Whether developing care plans guided by patient’s needs and preferences, educating patients and their families at discharge, doing their best to facilitate continuity of care for patients across settings and among providers, RNs make coordinated care possible.

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